Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
For over five years Victoria Goldberg has been living with MBC (Metastatic Breast Cancer). This type of cancer is not considered curable. She had been originally diagnosed with early stage cancer in 2005, was treated and moved on with her life. For the following 9 years she had no time to be sick and cancer was the last thing on her mind. Unfortunately, a January 2014 CT scan showed that her cancer had come back and had spread to her liver and bones. Victoria had an exceptionally good response to her treatments and physically recovered pretty quickly. The more difficult problem was coming to grips with a new reality. She was not yet ready to give up, but the fear of dying was all consuming. A big part of her life and how she defined herself had been her career. Prior to her diagnosis Victoria was an Executive Director in the Corporate IT Department of JP Morgan Chase. The side effects of the treatment forced her to stop working earlier than she had planned. Without her job she was lost and depressed. Getting involved with SHARE turned out to be the answer. It gives her structure and purpose. It feels “right”. She has helped start SHARE’s dedicated helpline for women living with Metastatic Breast Cancer. It operates 6 days a week, 12 hours a day by peers living with MBC and serves an ever growing metastatic community across the US and Canada. She never forgets that she is living with an advanced disease, but it’s no longer on the forefront of her life.