Thursday Nov 19, 2020
What Women Must Know – Reversing Alzheimer's with Dr. Timothy Smith
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Reversing Alzheimer's with Dr. Timothy Smith
Timothy J. Smith, M.D. has been studying and practicing alternative, functional, nutritional, and conventional healing principles for almost 50 years. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, completing his residency in psychiatry, specializing in brain biochemistry, at the University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital. He then trained to become a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, Japan and China. He taught TCM to thousands of physicians at the University of California, Los Angeles. He, published his bestseller Renewal: The Anti-Aging Revolution in 2000. Dr. Smith’s recent focus has been on the latest research developments in molecular, functional, and nutritional medicine and epigenetics, applied to the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. His current book, Reversing Alzheimer’s, is based on this work.
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