Sunday Mar 25, 2012
What Women Must Know - 03/25/12
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
Sunday Mar 25, 2012
The Direct Connection Between the Health of your Teeth and the Health of Your Body with Dr. Victor Zeines
Dr. Zeines has been practicing Holistic Dentistry for the past 25 years. He received his degree from N.Y.C. College of Dentistry and completed an internship at the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester New York.
Dr. Zeines always believed that dentistry needed to do more then just “fix teeth.”
In 1980, he received a Masters in Science (Nutrition) from the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut. He received Fellowship Status from the Academy of General Dentistry in 1982. An early article by Dr. Zeines called “Nutritional Eases Dental Problems,” published in 1980, talks about the link regarding oral and systemic health.
Today, there is increased understanding of the impact of oral health on the rest of the body. There is an increasing body of support for the multiple connections between oral health and total wellness.
There are more links between the practice of medical dentistry and medicine then ever before. “We have always known that protecting the health of gums will help patients to keep not just their teeth, but their life,” says Dr. Zeines. Unhealthy gum tissue leads to chronic infection and inflammation – and that is one of the most important concepts that has been developed in Dentistry in the past 50 years. When inflammation is controlled, patients and physicians have a chance at controlling everything from heart disease to diabetes to successful pregnancy.
Dr. Zeines is the author of”Healthy Mouth Healthy Body” “Living A Longer Life- Naturally” and “Your Tongue Never Lies” He is also a contributing writer for Rodale’s The Herbal Drugstore, and he makes regular appearances on radio and television. Dr. Zeines is one of the contributors of the film “Food Matters.” Dr. Zeines hosts the “Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body” show on NYTalkRadio.net.
A member of the Advisory Board of TheHolisticOption.com, Dr. Zeines uses a combination of homeopathy, kinesiology, nutrition and aromatic therapy along with bio-compatible materials in a gentle relaxed atmosphere. http://www.natdent.com/