Sunday Apr 15, 2012
What Women Must Know - 04/15/12
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
April 15 - What You MUST Know About Hysterectomies with Vikki Georges Hufnagel M.D.
Learn why 90% of All Hysterectomies Are Unnecessary and what to do to prevent them. Also discover natural solutions to support you if you have already had a hysterectomy.Why is it not publicized that a woman will lose 30% of her bone mass within 2 years of having a hysterectomy? Why is it not publicized that 70% of women that get their tubes tied end up with a hysterectomy within 5 years - the solution offered to the problems associated with getting tubes tied? Also discover natural solutions to support you if you have already had a hysterectomy
Vikki Georges Hufnagel MD was a founding member of the Berkeley Women’s Health Collective. She helped to establish the first free clinic for women at Berkeley CA. She wrote chapters for the revolutionary self help book “Ourbodies ,Oursleves” As a medical student, she documented the Dalkon Shield as causing severe infections and death and worked in lab to isolate chlyamadia. In residency she created revolutionary concepts in women’s health care at the American College of Ob Gyn : IntraOperative Ultrasound, Screening for Ovarian Cancer ,Red Uterine Syndrome, Prenatal Process and others. She wrote grants and received WHO award of achievement in educating women about the menstrual cycle and family planning . She served as Chief Resident and Gynaecological Oncology fellow at Albert Einstein College of Medicine .
While at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles she found data showing hysterectomy abuse. She worked as a volunteer with NIH for four year to write the government document on hysterectomies . She wrote the nation’s first informed consent law for hysterectomies as well as the first informed consent law for mastectomies . She became the first physician to write laws for patient protection.
Dr. Hufnagel was asked by NIH to work on a program to create a government department for alternative medicine. She was one of the first physicians to speak on issues of ethics in women’s medical care. spoke oyr about thte fact that women’s medicine was dominated by myths on female psychology which resulted in the treatment of symptoms rather than diagnosis. She created FRS,Female Reconstructive Surgery in 1980 and by 1985.
http://www.hufnagelbioethicsinstitute.com or (323) 874-5530
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