Sunday Apr 22, 2012
What Women Must Know - 04/22/12
Sunday Apr 22, 2012
Sunday Apr 22, 2012
Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, Lose Hormonal Problems, Lose Heart Disease with Dr. William Davis
Discover why one of the most toxic foods you can eat is wheat. Learn why!
Dr. Davis, the author of the NEW York Times Best Selling book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, practices preventive cardiology–hardly a stent in sight!–in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he bases his practice, writing career, blogging and other activities. He is a graduate of the St. Louis University School of Medicine and the Ohio State University Hospitals for training in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases. He also trained in advanced cardiac catheterization techniques and coronary angioplasty in the Case-Western Reserve University system in Cleveland, Ohio. But he essentially left that training in the dust of new-lessons-learned.
He is a Medical Director and founder of the Track Your Plaque program for heart disease prevention and reversal. This program was articulated in the book, Track Your Plaque: The only heart disease prevention program that shows how to use the new heart scans to detect, track, and control coronary plaque, as well as the online program by the same name (www.trackyourplaque.com). Wheat elimination along with the nutritional principles articulated in Wheat Belly serve as the cornerstone of my heart disease prevention efforts used in the Track Your Plaque program, as well. He is currently serving as Vice President for Cardiology for ObesityPPM (ObesityPPM.com), a consulting firm to industry and government to provide solutions to overweight and obesity.
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