
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Imagine that you hold in your hands the power to change your reality-that you are capable of creating your highest vision and desire. Learn practical tools how to realize your most heartfelt longings.
Dr. Carrol McLaughlin is an award-winning professor, heading one of the largest and most respected harp departments in the world. She is a renowned concert harpist who performs internationally as a soloist and with orchestras. Carrol has given workshops and lectures in more than 30 countries, teaching performers to overcome fear and achieve at their highest potential. An expert in Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Kundalini yoga teacher, an author, and a composer, Carrol is also a gifted healer. She has recently conducted a study at the University of Arizona Medical Center, researching the power of harp music to heal patients in the intensive care unit following heart surgery.
Tejpal began her career in leadership development as Vice President of Human Resources for a chain of hotels based in Paris as the leader of their international consultant team.From there she worked with several corporations that empowered her to create innovative projects that were in line with her love of people and personal development. She designed and implemented a satellite training program for over 6000 employees throughout Europe, developed leadership training programs for General Managers of Hotels all over the world, and traveled internationally leading Team Performance sessions. Following her vision and inspiration, she moved to New York and established an Executive Coaching Business. Tejpal attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and became a healer and a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor. Tejpal studies healing and spirituality on a consistent basis, constantly seeking to expand and deepen her healing gifts.