Thursday Feb 18, 2021
What Women Must Know - Where Do We Go From Here For Virus Protection Dr Nick Delgado
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Where Do We Go From Here For Virus Protection Dr Nick Delgado
Dr Nick Delgado, PHD, ABAAHP, CHT, is considered one of the leading experts on anti-aging and lifestyle medicine in the world leading Forum articles and discussions where he educates an audience of 26,000 physicians from around the globe. Dr. Delgado’s passion for health began when he suffered a stroke at the age of 23. He was able to lose 55 pounds and end his need for blood pressure medications in only 5 months. Shortly thereafter, he became the director of the Pritikin Better Health Program of the Nathan Pritikin Longevity Center. Nick Delgado, at the age of 52, broke the world record for curls with 50 lbs, doing 1038 curls in one hour. He is the holder of the world record in Strength Endurance for lifting 50,640 pounds overhead in one hour, also leading Team USA to #1 in the world.
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