Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials ™, a step-by-step coaching program. Dr. V is a best-selling author and her book is Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Bernie S. Siegel, MD, is a well-known proponent of integrative and holistic approaches to healing that heal not just the body but also the mind and soul. A retired surgeon, and a lover of animals, Bernie has been at the forefront of spiritual and medical ethics issues of our day and has been named one of the top twenty Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins’ Mind Body Spirit magazine (London). Bernie and his wife Bobbie live in a suburb of New Haven, Connecticut. They have five children, eight grandchildren, four cats, two dogs, and much love.
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Dr. Donald R. Beans, is a registered nurse with a degree from Montana State University, 1978. He studied acupuncture at many schools and with various teachers leading to Montana licensure in 1980 and starting a private practice in Missoula. He earned national board certification in acupuncture in 1985 from the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; He is also a certified classical homeopath. Don was a teaching associate of Dr. Bernard Jensen for 10 years. They presented one-week seminars on nutrition and wellness. Under the watchful eye of Dr. Jensen, Dr. Beans earned a doctor of philosophy degree in iridology and nutrition from the University of Health Science in Honolulu Hawaii. Dr. Beans is currently in private practice in Bigfork Montana and in an integrative medical practice, The Bridge Medical Center, in Whitefish Montana.
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Thursday Nov 19, 2015
Dr. Moss graduated from the University of Michigan Dental School in 1974 and practiced dentistry in Grand Rapids, Michigan up to 1985. Having employed clinical nutrition in his practice for six years, he decided to use this experience and enter the professional supplement industry. For the last 23 years he has operated Moss Nutrition Products, which serves health care professionals with nutritional supplements. Since 2000 he has served as adjunct faculty at the University of Bridgeport Nutrition Institute, starting with the Vitamins and Minerals class and, most recently, adding the Assessment in Nutrition class to his teaching responsibilities. He also co-authored the text, Textbook of Nutritional Medicine with Mel Werbach, M.D. Finally, Dr. Moss was president of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN).
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Dr. Brant Cortright is a highly respected clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies. His consulting practice specializes in cutting-edge brain health and neuroscience-informed depth therapy. He is the author of two previous books and lives in the San Francisco. He is the author of The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life. www.brantcortright.com.
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Leading research has discovered that there are specific nutrients that can talk directly to your genes to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, the major causes of chronic illness and aging. Learn which nutrients are recommended to be part of everyone’s core optimal health program.
Christopher Neville's company BioPhotonix Innovations is involved with ongoing research and product development, focused on the latest scientific findings for longevity and regeneration along with supporting the emergence of ‘green’ energy technologies. Chris has over 25 years of experience in wellness, advertising and marketing. He is VP Product Development for an innovative wellness company based in LA. Over the course of his career, Chris has worked with numerous well-known supplement, whole-food and bioenergetics technology-based companies in a wide-range of roles, including: Vice President, Asian Pacific, and Director, Australia and New Zealand. He has been actively involved with innovative formulation development, strategic marketing, and setting up a million dollar production-line facility for the manufacture and global distribution of health products.
Chris is an advocate for the wisdom and practices from ancient traditions, with a deep respect for the Aborigines of Australia and other First Nations. He also has a great appreciation for the principles and practices of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Professor Pall noted that it has been known and accepted for more than 40 years that Pulsed Fields are more Bio-Active than non-pulsed and his study showed that pulsed electrical energy does affect cells in non-thermal conditions. So much for the fraudulent claims of regulators and the industry. ALL our WiFi, Cellphones, Cordless DECT telephones, Radio Baby monitors, Smart Meters and the like have a very real potential to do massive and possibly irreversible harm to biological entities such as humans.
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
Thursday Sep 10, 2015
Many years ago Dr. Susan E. Brown, PhD began to “rethink” osteoporosis — its nature, causes, prevention, and treatment — starting a revolution in bone health that continues to this day.
Dr. Brown first became interested in bone health when she lost her grandmother, at the age of 102, to complications from a hip fracture. Dr. Brown couldn’t help wondering, how much longer might this alert and active woman have lived had she not fractured her hip? Her interest grew into a compulsion as she sought to understand why the disease existed and what we could do about it.
As an anthropologist using a cross-cultural perspective, Dr. Brown discovered that the nature of osteoporosis is very different than commonly believed. She found that cultures with the highest calcium intake also have the highest osteoporosis rates, despite conventional wisdom that calcium levels dictate bone health. Dr. Brown’s research found that though people in many countries have lower bone density than we do in the United States, their fracture rates are significantly lower. Her research led her to a startling conclusion: the disease of osteoporosis is a preventable disorder created by our lifestyles and eating habits.
Dr. Brown’s “rethinking” has led to Better Bones — a comprehensive, whole-body approach to bone health that reaches beyond the estrogen and calcium myths to truly support healthy bone growth and regeneration through nutrition and lifestyle.
Through more than 20 years of research, Dr. Brown has learned that our bones need a variety of nutrients in addition to calcium to repair themselves, and that the body needs to maintain a balanced pH to prevent further loss of bone.