Thursday Jan 16, 2014
What Women Must Know - 01/16/14
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Thursday Jan 16, 2014
Dr. Richard Horowitz is a board certified internist in private practice in Hyde Park, N.Y. He is medical director of the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center, an integrative medical center which combines both classical and complementary approaches in the treatment of Lyme Disease and other tick-borne disorders. He has treated over 12,000 Chronic Lyme disease patients in the last 26 years, with patients coming from all over the US, Canada, and Europe to his clinic. He is former Assistant Director of Medicine of Vassar Brothers Hospital in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and is one of the founding members and past president elect of ILADS, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. He is also past president of the ILADEF, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the education of health care professionals on tick-borne diseases.
Dr Horowitz has presented at numerous local, national, and international scientific conferences on Lyme Disease, and has published on the role of co-infections and toxins in Lyme Borreliosis. He was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Turn the Corner Foundation for his treatment of Lyme Disease, and has dedicated his life to helping those stricken with this devastating illness. His book “Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease” explains his full classical and integrative approach to helping those stricken with tick borne diseases and resistant chronic illness.
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
What Women Must Know - 01/09/14
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Thursday Jan 02, 2014
Every time we come to the dinner table, we bring not only our appetite but also our genes. Learn how foods modify our gene expression to support health and long term wellbeing.
Following 30 years in private practice as a Nutritional Biochemist, Christine is currently engaged in doctoral research at the University of Queensland, investigating bioactive phytochemicals with significant clinical potential.
She is an accomplished writer and an engaging speaker whose evidence-supported presentations may challenge accepted but often-outdated paradigms. Christine’s forte lies in taking complex biochemical concepts and translating their essence into concepts relevant to the needs of practising clinicians.
She is the author of “Switched On – Harnessing the Power of Nutrigenomics to Optimise Your Health”.
In addition to her research, Christine is Managing Director of Cell-Logic Pty Ltd, an Australian company specialising in Nutrigenomic solutions for enhancement of human health.
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is Director of the Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Practitioners Network and author of the popular free iPhone & Android application “Cures A-Z,” and of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic!, Pain Free 1-2-3—A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now, the Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! series, Real Cause, Real Cure, and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. He is the lead author of 4 studies on effective treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, and a study on effective treatment of autism using NAET. Dr. Teitelbaum does frequent media appearances including Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News Channel, the Dr Oz Show and Oprah & Friends. He lives in Kona, Hawaii. Web site: www.EndFatigue.com
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
What Women Must Know - 12/19/13
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
Thursday Dec 19, 2013
The Coconut Oil Miracle with Dr. Bruce Fife
Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Thursday Dec 12, 2013
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
Named “one of the nation’s most prominent Ayurvedic doctors” by the Chicago Tribune, Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D. is a popular speaker, author, teacher and recognized Ayurvedic expert specializing in women’s health issues. Dr. Lonsdorf currently has a private practice in Integrative, Holistic Medicine and Ayurveda in Fairfield, IA and teaches Maharishi Ayurveda to medical doctors and health practitioners at The Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolln, CA and at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Center for Integrative Medicine.
Over the past twenty-five years, she has treated nearly 20,000 patients using Maharishi Ayurveda (Eye-yur-VAY-duh), the natural health practice from ancient India. She is formerly the medical director of The Raj Ayurveda Health Spa, an award-winning center for Ayurvedic treatment (2000-2005), and of The Maharishi Ayurveda Medical Center in Washington D.C. (1987-2000), a pioneering Ayurvedic medical clinic.
Dr. Lonsdorf has special expertise in women’s health and has authored two books on the topic, including The Ageless Woman: Natural Health and Beauty After Forty with Maharishi Ayurveda (MCD Century, May 2004), and its hardback version, A Woman’s Best Medicine for Menopause: Your Personal Guide to Radiant Good Health Using Maharishi Ayurveda (McGraw-Hill, June 2002.) She is also co-author of a best-selling Ayurvedic health guide for women entitled A Woman's Best Medicine: Health, Happiness and Long Life through Maharishi Ayurveda, (Tarcher/Putnam 1995).
Dr. Lonsdorf has lectured at some of the nation’s foremost medical institutions, including The National Institutes of Health, Johns Hopkins, Columbia University and George Washington University, and has served on several editorial boards of both online and print journals in integrative and complementary medicine.
Dr. Lonsdorf has been cited by numerous magazines, newspapers and on the web including The Washingtonian, Redbook, The Chicago Tribune and Web-M.D. Her articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Yoga Journal, Yoga International, Natural Health, Rodale’s Yogalife and Vegetarian Times. She is a contributing editor for Natural Solutions (formerly Alternative Medicine). She has extensive media experience including appearances on CNN, National Public Radio, Voice of America, The Phil Donahue Show and Geraldo Rivera.
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Thursday Nov 21, 2013
Dr. Fred Travis is Professor of Maharishi Vedic Science, Chair of the Department of Maharishi Vedic Science, Dean of the Graduate School, and Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition. He earned an M.S. and Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, and a B.S. in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University. He is also the author of Your Brain is a River, Not a Rock. Visit his website for video presentations, discussions, publications and more: http://www.drfredtravis.com.
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
Thursday Nov 14, 2013
Bill Henderson is on a crusade. His late wife’s four-year experience with ovarian cancer and its treatment convinced him that “there must be a better way.” After helping over 4,800 cancer patients in 66 countries all over the world heal themselves of their cancers for the last 15 years, Bill feels he knows why people get cancer and how they get over it. His mission is to spread that message to as many people as possible.
In addition to being a best-selling author of three books on natural cancer healing, Bill has produced over 200 very popular one-hour weekly radio shows where he interviewed cancer doctors, dentists and survivors. He has published 184 free newsletters to his audience of 38,000 readers. He has made many presentations all over the U.S. and Canada on his favorite subject of natural cancer healing.
Thursday Nov 07, 2013
What Women Must Know - Meet Your Mitochondria - 11/07/13
Thursday Nov 07, 2013
Thursday Nov 07, 2013
How to Improve Energy, Cancer Protection and Rejuvenation with Dr. Joseph L. Evans, Ph.D